Advantages of Using Lube Identification Tags

Stickers or lube identification tags have been employed for years to guarantee the right lubricant is put in the right place. However, few organizations utilize lube tags to their full potential, while some fail to use them at all. These simple devices not only can help ensure the proper lube is being used, but if managed correctly, they can also improve machine reliability.


Advantages of Using Lube Identification Tags

Paper Machine Dryer Bearing Lubrication Best Practices

In a paper machine drying section the lubrication system has been the cause of many bearing failures over the years. There are five major factors that influence bearing failures on drying cylinder bearings which continue to happen in the industry today. Highlighted below are the key factors and the solutions to minimize these failures. It is vitally important to understand each one.



Paper Machine Dryer Bearing Lubrication Best Practices

Lubricant Contamination Control Case Studies

Keeping lubricants clean can help extend machine, component and oil life. This 9 minute video highlights two case studies and research that demonstrate how removing and excluding particles from oil can generate incredible results.


Lubricant Contamination Control Case Studies

Advice for Quality Oil Sampling

While most people recognize the value of oil analysis, many do not understand why oil sampling procedures are so critical. If sampling is not performed correctly, the integrity of the oil sample can be affected. This 2-minute, 15-second video explains the importance of proper oil sampling techniques as well as the two main objectives you must achieve to obtain a quality, representative sample.


Advice for Quality Oil Sampling

Where Do Particles in Oil Come From?

Particles in oil and lubricants can be highly destructive to machinery. When a machine is contaminated, the first thing you need to ask is, “Where do the particles come from?” This 2-minute, 24-second video reveals the three main sources of particle ingression and how you should address each of them.


Where Do Particles in Oil Come From?