A Simple Way to Diagnose Machine Health

When a machine is first put into service, there is a period of time known as the “break-in” period. During this time, the machine creates wear debris as components begin their initial motion. While there are differing opinions on break-in times and methods, a few constants remain.


A Simple Way to Diagnose Machine Health

Ghost Riders That Haunt Your Oil

The definition of a contaminant is any foreign “something” that enters a lubricant during formulation, packaging, transport, storage or service. Contaminants compromise the lubricant’s integrity, performance and service life as well as impart harm to the machine. No lubricant is indemnified from their effects or can safely co-exist with contaminants. So too, there are no lubricants or machines that can realistically be defined as contaminant-free.


Ghost Riders That Haunt Your Oil

When and How to Adjust a Load-sensing Hydraulic Pump

Variable-displacement pumps are used in hydraulic systems where the flow requirements vary. This usually means the system has several actuators and, depending on the current cycle of the machine, the number of actuators moving at a given time will fluctuate. The most common type of variable-displacement pump is the pressure-compensating pump.


When and How to Adjust a Load-sensing Hydraulic Pump