Hydraulic Systems and Fluid Selection

It wasn’t until the beginning of the industrial revolution when a British mechanic named Joseph Bramah applied the principle of Pascal’s law in the development of the first hydraulic press. In 1795, he patented his hydraulic press, known as the Bramah press. Bramah figured that if a small force on a small area would create a proportionally larger force on a larger area, the only limit to the force that a machine can exert is the area to which the pressure is applied.



How to Care for Your Hydraulic Inventory

Hydraulic components are expensive and, so, regardless of the amount of spares that you carry, one thing you want to make sure of is that your inventory is not deteriorating in storage. With this in mind, here are a few pointers for the effective long-term storage of hydraulic components:



When is a Turbine Flush Warranted?

“A boroscope inspection of the main turbine oil reservoir at our power plant revealed paint chips in the reservoir, puddles of water, red-iron oxide particles (rust) and babbitt material in one of the main return lines. The babbitt can most likely be attributed to a hydrogen fire that happened more than five years ago and wiped the bearings. As this fire occurred in the summer and electricity prices were high, a flush at that time was not performed.

