The Meaning of Low Viscosity

Viscosity can go up, down or remain unchanged. The list of root causes that can alter a viscosity reading is quite extensive; hence the reason why viscosity has become such an information-rich measure of used oil condition. After all, when viscosity has not changed, you can rightly conclude that the many known viscosity-altering factors are probably not happening – a good thing for sure.


The Meaning of Low Viscosity

Lubricant Failure = Bearing Failure

Rolling element bearings are highly reliable components, and the vast majority of bearings will outlive the equipment on which they are installed. However, while bearings account for a relatively small percentage of all equipment breakdowns, they do fail occasionally. And when they fail, it is usually a critical event, resulting in costly repair and downtime.


Lubricant Failure = Bearing Failure

Fire-resistant Hydraulic Fluids: What You Should Know

Fire-resistant fluids are most often associated with hydraulic systems. In some of these systems, components must operate at an extremely high temperature, which means you will want to use a fluid that does not ignite easily in the event of a leak. This helps to reduce risk and ensure the safety of plant personnel.


Fire-resistant Hydraulic Fluids: What You Should Know